Gene map of L. forficatus mtDNA. Protein and rRNA genes
are abbreviated as follows: atp6 and atp8
(genes for subunits 6 and 8 of the F0 ATPase),
cox1–cox3 (genes for cytochrome c
oxidase subunits 1–3), cob (gene for apocytochrome
b), nad1–nad6 and nad4L
(genes for NADH dehydrogenase subunits 1–6 and 4L), and
rrnS and rrnL (genes for small and large
subunit rRNAs). The 22 tRNA genes are identified by the one-letter code
for the corresponding amino acid. Two leucine and two serine tRNA genes
are differentiated by their anticodon sequence with
trnL(uag) marked as L1,
trnL(uaa) as L2,
trnS(ucu) as S1, and
trnS(uga) as S2. The direction of
transcription for each gene is shown by an arrow. trnI
(shaded area) is the only gene translocated relative to the arthropod
primitive gene arrangement exemplified by the mtDNA of the horseshoe
crab Limulus polyphemus (10). The numerals near each
tRNA gene indicate the number of mismatches in the acceptor stems
inferred from mtDNA sequence.