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. 2006 Dec 12;3:12. doi: 10.1186/1742-5581-3-12

Table 5.

Perceived confidence of physicians to perform Internet related tasks

Tasks House Officers (N = 45) Medical Officers (N = 23) Registrars (N = 104) Total (N = 172)
No % No % No % No %

Retrieve and download free medical books from the Internet
Yes 4 8.9 5 21.7 26 25.0 35 20.3
No 41 91.1 18 78.3 78 75.0 137 79.7

Search the Internet to find out how a particular clinical procedure is carried out
Yes 19 42.2 5 26.1 52 50.0 77 44.8
No 26 57.8 17 73.9 52 50.0 95 55.2

Search the Internet for the most current diagnostic test or therapy for a disease condition
Yes 26 57.8 18 78.3 69 66.3 113 65.7
No 19 42.2 5 21.7 35 33.9 59 34.3

Retrieve and download full-text articles from online journals, BJM; HINARI etc.
Yes 8 17.8 12 52.2 52 50.0 72 41.9
No 37 82.2 11 47.8 52 50.0 100 58.1

Find the most current available evidence to answer a clinical question relating to patients condition
Yes 24 53.3 12 52.2 66 63.5 102 59.3
No 21 46.7 11 47.8 38 36.5 70 40.7

Find information on the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of an ailment
Yes 39 86.7 20 87.0 93 89.4 152 88.4
No 6 13.3 3 13.0 11 10.6 20 11.6

Total 45 100 23 100 104 100 172 100