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. 2007 Feb;18(1):91–103. doi: 10.1007/s10552-006-0083-x

Table 4.

Stratified relative risks (RRs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for associations between wine intake in the year before baseline and risk of ovarian cancer within participant subgroups

Characteristic (at baseline) Alcohol consumption from wine Ptrend Pheterogeneity between subgroups
None < 11.1 g/day ≥ 11.1 g/day
Cases RRa Cases RRa (95% CI)a Cases RRa (95% CI)a
≤Median (50 years) 23 1.00 27 1.07 (0.58, 1.99) 12 1.43 (0.67, 3.04) 0.34
>Median 68 1.00 72 1.10 (0.76, 1.57) 51 1.62 (1.09, 2.39) 0.01 0.95
Nulliparous 18 1.00 26 1.34 (0.69, 2.62) 13 1.56 (0.71, 3.40) 0.31
Parous 71 1.00 73 1.05 (0.73, 1.50) 48 1.57 (1.06, 2.34) 0.02 0.61
Oral contraceptive use
Never 45 1.00 39 1.00 (0.62, 1.61) 29 1.70 (1.02, 2.82) 0.03
Ever 22 1.00 14 0.76 (0.37, 1.58) 14 1.78 (0.85, 3.72) 0.09 0.54
Lifetime strenuous physical activity
≤Median (1.4 hours/week) 61 1.00 58 1.07 (0.72, 1.59) 40 1.68 (1.09, 2.59) 0.01
>Median (1.4 hours/week) 30 1.00 41 1.11 (0.66, 1.86) 23 1.39 (0.77, 2.50) 0.26 0.55
Menopausal status
Pre-menopausal 21 1.00 20 0.83 (0.42, 1.65) 10 1.24 (0.55, 2.83) 0.53
Peri-/Post-menopausal 66 1.00 72 1.16 (0.80, 1.66) 51 1.72 (1.16, 2.55) 0.01 0.86
Hormone therapy (HT) use
Noneb 21 1.00 22 1.27 (0.64, 2.51) 9 1.20 (0.51, 2.78) 0.73
Combination estrogen + progestin HTb 23 1.00 18 0.69 (0.35, 1.37) 16 1.17 (0.58, 2.34) 0.45
Estrogen-only HTb 16 1.00 19 1.27 (0.62, 2.61) 15 2.03 (0.95, 4.35) 0.06 0.37
Region of residence
Greater Bay/Southern Coastal regions 45 1.00 62 1.20 (0.79, 1.84) 38 1.69 (1.06, 2.71) 0.02
Other California regions 46 1.00 37 0.94 (0.59, 1.52) 25 1.46 (0.87, 2.48) 0.12 0.41
Type of residence
Rural/town/small city 35 1.00 34 1.23 (0.74, 2.06) 23 1.77 (1.01, 3.11) 0.05
Metropolitan suburban/urban 54 1.00 65 1.04 (0.70, 1.55) 40 1.51 (0.97, 2.37) 0.05 0.77
Statewide percentile of socioeconomic status in census block groupc
Lower 75% 57 1.00 50 1.09 (0.72, 1.67) 24 1.35 (0.81, 2.27) 0.25
Upper 25% 32 1.00 49 1.16 (0.72, 1.88) 39 1.96 (1.19, 3.24) 0.004 0.43
Body mass index
≤Median (23.5 kg/m2) 33 1.00 46 1.31 (0.81, 2.11) 32 1.64 (0.97, 2.76) 0.07
>Median 53 1.00 52 0.97 (0.63, 1.49) 27 1.48 (0.89, 2.45) 0.10 0.69
Cigarette smoking status
Never 66 1.00 61 1.05 (0.71, 1.56) 36 1.77 (1.13, 2.78) 0.01
Ever 25 1.00 38 1.19 (0.69, 2.03) 27 1.42 (0.80, 2.50) 0.24 0.57
Dietary folate intake
≤Median (307.1 μg/day)d 23 1.00 21 0.73 (0.37, 1.43) 13 1.15 (0.54, 2.44) 0.55
>Mediand 21 1.00 23 1.16 (0.60, 2.24) 10 1.17 (0.51, 2.66) 0.75 0.74
Total folate intake
≤Median (473.0 μg/day)e 43 1.00 46 1.07 (0.68, 1.70) 25 1.34 (0.78, 2.30) 0.27
>Mediane 41 1.00 48 1.20 (0.77, 1.89) 37 2.07 (1.29, 3.35) 0.002 0.43

a Adjusted for race, total energy intake, parity, oral contraceptive use, strenuous exercise, menopausal status/hormone therapy use, and consumption of beer and liquor in the past year; stratified by age at baseline

b Including peri-/post-menopausal women only

c See Methods for definition

d Excluding all multivitamin users (i.e., women consuming supplemental folate)

e Excluding short-term multivitamin users (i.e., women consuming supplemental folate for < 2 years)