(A) Expression of poliovirus 3A from rVV-3A,GFP.
Immunoblot analysis of lysates from chimpanzee lymphocytes that were
mock-infected, infected with rVV-3A/GFP, or coinfected with
rVV-3A/GFP and rVV-E2/NS3. Time courses in hours after infection
(h.p.i.) are shown. Lysate from poliovirus-infected HeLa cells shows
both 3A and its precursor 3AB. (B) Effect of 3A protein
on cell-surface expression of newly synthesized MHC class I. Chimpanzee
B lymphoblastoid cells were infected with rVV-GFP or rVV-3A,GFP,
labeled with [35S]methionine and
[35S]cysteine for 15 min, and subsequently incubated with
nonradioactive amino acids for various periods of time. Molecules on
the cell surface were subjected to biotinylation and recovered by use
of streptavidin agarose. Total (T) MHC class I molecules after 60 min
of chase and MHC class I molecules that appeared at the cell surface
after the indicated times (min) were isolated by immunoprecipitation
with anti-MHC class I antibody w6/32. Molecular masses (kDa) of
marker proteins are indicated. (C) Effect of poliovirus
3A on target-cell lysis by CTL. Chimpanzee B lymphoblastoid target
cells were infected with wild-type vaccinia (○), infected
with rVV-E2/NS3 alone (■), or coinfected with rVV-E2/NS3
and rVV-GFP (●) or rVV-E2/NS3 and rVV-3A,GFP
(▴). At 12 h postinfection, target cells were labeled
with 51Cr and incubated for 4 h with T91 CTL at the
indicated effector/target ratios. Specific lysis was expressed as the
amount of 51Cr released into the supernatant as a
percentage of the total counts per sample. Data are presented as the
mean of triplicate samples, and the standard deviations are