Bone oedema reference image sheets (pages i30–i34, total 5). Bone oedema in the radius, scaphoid, lunate, capitate, and a metacarpal base is illustrated on a single-page sheet each. All grades (0–3) are presented except when appropriate examples could not be found. Bone oedema is graded by percentage volume (0–3, by 33% volume increments) of the assessed bone as described in the OMERACT RAMRIS (see table 1, reference 17). For long bones (radius, ulna, metacarpal bases), the "assessed bone volume" is from the articular surface (or its best estimated position if absent) to a depth of 1 cm, and in carpal bones it is the whole bone. If erosion and oedema are concurrently present, oedema is scored as the proportion of the original bone. All coronal slices (T2 weighted fat saturated or short tau inversion recovery (STIR)) covering the bone need to be assessed to estimate the percentage of the total volume occupied by the oedema. The atlas reference images can be used for guidance and calibration. Each bone of the wrist should be scored separately. A total score (range 0–45) can be calculated. The diagram above describes the positions and types of images included. The varying number of coronal slices needed to cover the bone reflects varying bone sizes and varying slice thickness (2–3 mm).