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. 2002 Sep;88(3):296–297. doi: 10.1136/heart.88.3.296

Table 1.

Characteristics of study population

DCM OMI SAP Control subjects
Age (years) 61(3) 67(2) 67(2) 67(2)
Men/women 13/7 7/7 11/3 4/6
LVEF (%) 29(2)* 30(2)* 67(2) 69(3)
LVDd (mm) 65(2)* 61(2)* 46(2) 45(1)
SBP (mm Hg) 116(3) 120(5) 128(5) 126(4)
HR (beats/min) 68(2) 71(3) 62(2) 72(3)
Serum creatinine (mg/dl) 1.1(0.1) 0.9(0.1) 0.9(0.1) 0.9(0.1)
BMI (kg/m2) 20.8(0.8) 22.6(0.9) 23.7(0.8) 23.4(0.8)
Hb (g/dl) 12.8(0.5) 13.3(0.4) 12.7(0.3) 13.4(0.4)
Medication (n (%))
    Diuretics 19 (95) 11 (79)
    Digitalis 11 (55) 8 (57)
    ACEI/ARB 16 (80) 9 (64) 3(21)
    β Blockers 3 (15) 1 (5) 3(21)

Data presented are mean (SEM), or number of patients.

*p<0.001v SAP or control.

ACEI, angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors; ARB, angiotensin II receptor blockers; BMI, body mass index; DCM, patients with congestive heart failure caused by dilated cardiomyopathy; Hb, haemoglobin; HR, heart rate; LVDd, left ventricular end diastolic diameter; LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction; OMI, patients with congestive heart failure caused by old myocardial infarction; SAP, patients of stable angina pectoris without congestive heart failure; SBP, systolic blood pressure.