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. 2000 Nov 28;97(25):13907–13912. doi: 10.1073/pnas.240461697

Table 2.

Stereotactic locations of significant activations for rapid nonspeech analogues compared to slow nonspeech analogues for each group and the differences between groups

Group/region Voxels, no. BA X Y Z P value Max Z
Normal readers
 L middle/superior frontal gyri 247 46/10/9 −28 38 28 0.004 2.62
 R middle temporal gyrus 146 39 50 −62 28 0.001 3.19
 Bi cingulate gyrus 116 23 −6 −26 28 0.004 2.78
 R medial frontal gyrus 85 6 12 2 60 0.001 3.26
 R middle/superior temporal gyri 65 21/38 40 −8 −12 0.003 2.78
Dyslexic readers
 Bi cingulate gyrus 1519 31 −4 −34 36 0.001 2.83
 Bi anterior cingulate gyrus 408 24 2 38 0 0.003 2.76
 R middle temporal gyrus 333 21 58 −48 8 0.002 2.96
 R cerebellum 239 N/A 22 −60 −28 0.004 2.68
 L cerebellum 229 N/A −16 −40 −28 0.000 3.38
 L middle temporal gyrus/ 81 21 −50 −2 −16 0.000 3.63
  anterior temporal pole 21/38 −56 0 −32 3.30
  medial cerebellum 55 N/A −2 −72 −44 0.000 3.67
Group difference
 L middle/superior frontal gyri 129 46/10/9 −36 20 32 0.002 2.87
 R cerebellum (posterior lobe) 63 N/A 40 −78 −40 0.002 2.95

XYZ coordinates refer to the number of millimeters from AC (anterior commissive) by using MNI standard brain coordinates. BA, putative Brodmann area; L, left; R, right; Bi, bilateral; N/A, not applicable.