(A) SOD activities present in the cultures were
measured by using the xanthine and Nitro Blue Tetrazolium technique.
Total, Mn, and Cu/Zn SOD activities are all significantly lower in
both infected lines, GT1Chl and GT122L, when
compared with control lines GT1–7 and GT1Chl-CR lines.
[Bars represents means ± SD; *, P <
0.05; and **, P < 0.01 (Student's
t test)]. (B) Cell lysates of GT1 lines
were prepared as in Fig. 1A and the total
protein concentration measured by using the BCA Protein Assay Kit
(Pierce). Equal amounts of protein were Western blotted by using an
anti-Cu/Zn SOD sheep polyclonal antibody from Calbiochem
(Upper). Specific Cu/Zn SOD bands
(Upper) and from three other experiments were
quantitated by densitometry, and plotted as a percentage of the total
amount in GT1–7 cells. Infected cells presented a significant decrease
in Cu/Zn SOD signal. [Bars represent means ± SD; and
**, P < 0.01 (Student's
t test)]. (C) Cell viability evaluated
by a modified MTT assay was measured in GT1Chl and GT1–7
cells after SIN-1 challenge. GT1Chl cells presented an
increased sensitivity to 500 μM SIN-1 when compared with control
GT1–7 cells. [Bars represents means ± SD; and **,
P < 0.01 (Student's t test)].