Figure 1.
Display of the ECGSIM window for a particular set of options, using the default settings of the parameters δn, ρn, and mn. The upper left pane of the window displays the ventricular surface SV. The colour coded function shown on SV is the timing of depolarisation (δn). A stylised version of the LAD serves as a landmark. An interactively selected node on the epicardium of the right ventricle is marked by a heavy dot. The heart is rotated slightly with respect to normal. The signals shown in the lower left pane are: (in black) the source strength at the selected node and (in light blue) the local (epicardial) electrogram. This pane also carries the sliders that can be used to modify the setting of the local values of the parameters δn, ρn, and mn. The lower right pane depicts (in blue) the QRST complexes of the standard 12 leads and (in red) the corresponding simulated signals. The vertical yellow bar marks the timing of the nadir in lead V2. In the upper right pane the body surface map is shown pertaining to the time instant indicated by the vertical yellow line in the lower panes. Note the two different colour codes used in the two upper panes.