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. 2005 Jul;91(7):894–898. doi: 10.1136/hrt.2004.043489

Table 1.

 Characteristics of the families* in the Boyd Orr survey of diet and health in pre-second world war Britain (1937 to 1939)

Per capita family food expenditure (new pence/week) 27.7 (21.7 to 37.8)
Townsend score† −1.6 (−2.8 to 0.9)
Father’s social class
    I 19 (1.5%)
    II 89 (7.2%)
    III 242 (19.6%)
    IV 284 (23.0%)
    V 176 (14.3%)
    Unemployed 323 (26.2%)
    Unclassifiable 101 (8.2%)
District of residence as a child
    Aberdeen 24 (1.9%)
    Barthol Chapel 31 (2.5%)
    Barrow 93 (7.5%)
    Bethnall Green 264 (21.4%)
    Coal Town of Wemyss 40 (3.2%)
    Dundee 91 (7.4%)
    Edinburgh 49 (4.0%)
    Fulham 82 (6.7%)
    Hopeman 24 (1.9%)
    Kintore 6 (0.5%)
    Liverpool 99 (8.0%)
    Methlick 34 (2.8%)
    Tarves 100 (8.1%)
    Wisbech 145 (11.8%)
    West Wemyss 55 (4.5%)
    Yorkshire 97 (7.9%)
Period of birth
    Before 1926 231 (18.7%)
    1926–1930 347 (28.1%)
    1931–1935 391 (31.7%)
    After 1935 265 (21.5%)
Season when studied as a child
    Spring 470 (38.1%)
    Summer 343 (27.8%)
    Autumn 209 (16.9%)
    Winter 212 (17.2%)

Data are median (interquartile range) or number (%).

*As the individual level data is the same for each family member the data were analysed for the 1234 families that were represented in the main analysis; †Townsend deprivation score based on 1991 census data, calculated as the sum of standardised scores for levels of car ownership, house ownership, overcrowding, and unemployment in the Family Health Service Authority of residence (negative values indicate less deprivation).