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. 2002 Sep;55(9):662–668. doi: 10.1136/jcp.55.9.662

Table 1.

Antibody characteristics

Antibody/antigen Type Source Dilution Incubation Pretreatment Cell pattern
Calretinin P Zymed (San Francisco, USA) 1/50 Overnight/4° C Hotplate Cytoplasm
CEA M Dako (Ely, UK) 1/20 30–60 min/RT Microwave Cytoplasm
Cytokeratin 5/6 M Dako 1/50 30–60 min/RT Microwave Pericellular and cytoplasm
BerEP4 M Dako 1/50 30–60 min/RT Pronase Membrane
E-cadherin M Zymed 1/25 Overnight/4° C Hotplate Membrane
HBME-1 M Dako 1/100 30–60 min/RT No pretreatment Membrane and cytoplasm
LeuMI (CD15) M Dako 1/40 Overnight/4° C Microwave Cytoplasm
N-cadherin M Zymed 1/25 Overnight/4° C Hotplate Cytoplasm
SP-A P Chemicon (Harrow, UK) 1/50 Overnight/4° C Hotplate Membrane and cytoplasm
Thrombomodulin M Dako 1/100 Overnight/4° C No pretreatment Membrane
TTF-1 M Lab Vision (Newmarket, UK) 1/50 30–60 min/RT Microwave Nucleus

CEA, carcinoembryonic antigen; M, monoclonal mouse; P, polyclonal rabbit; RT, room temperature; SP-A, surfactant apoprotein A; TTF-1, thyroid transcription factor 1.