Adipocytic/haemopoietic (A/H) ratios for patients in each of the age/sex cohorts, with mean of each cohort (thick horizontal bar), regression line for means of cohorts (y = 42.56 + 0.05x) (dotted line), and mean of all cases (thin horizontal bar), demonstrating the lack of age bias of cohort means compared with the overall mean for all cases. Age/sex cohorts: 1, females 1–10 years; 2, men 21–30 years; 3, women 21–30 years; 4 men 31–40 years; 5, women 31–40 years; 6, men 41–50 years; 7, women 41–50 years; 8, men 51–60 years; 9, women 51–60 years; 10, men 61–70 years; 11, women 61–70 years; 12, men 71–80 years; 13, women 71–80 years.