Immunological identification of Hjc in P.
furiosus cells. (A) The sonication extract of
recombinant cells was separated by 15% SDS/PAGE, transferred onto
PVDF membranes and treated with immune (I) or preimmune (P) sera raised
against Hjc. (B) Fraction V from P. furiosus
cells (Pfu) and 17 ng of recombinant Hjc protein (R) were analyzed by
Western blotting with anti-Hjc serum. (C) Immunodepletion
analysis. (Top) Endonuclease assay of each depleted
extract. (Bottom) Each precipitant was analyzed by
Western blotting with anti-Hjc serum. Lanes: B, buffer A; 1, crude
extract before antiserum treatment; 2, anti-Hjc serum; 3,
anti-Pfu-PCNA serum; 4, anti-PI-PfuI
serum. Lane R was loaded with 15 ng of recombinant Hjc.