Figure 1.
(a) Ribbon representation of Gla-domainless fVIIa. The EGF1, EGF2, and protease domains are colored red, cyan, and purple, respectively. The linker region between the two EGF-like domains is colored yellow. The disulfide bridges (yellow), carbohydrate groups (light green), and FFR inhibitor (magenta) are depicted in ball-and-stick representation. The putative calcium ion (top right) is colored orange. (b) Superposition of free and sTF-complexed fVIIa. GD-fVIIa (purple) and fVIIasTF (light green; PDB code 1dan, ref. 6) are shown after superposition of their EGF2 and protease domains. The carbohydrate groups attached to EGF1 are shown for reference. The Cα position of Gln-88, which acts as the hinge residue in the linker region, is indicated by a small sphere.