Figure 1.
Position-independent and copy-number dependent expression of the D1Cre YAC transgene. (a) Schematic representation of the modified D1Cre YAC. (b) Schematic view of the known distribution of Drd1a mRNA [29, 38].(c-e) Expression pattern of Cre as revealed by immunohistochemistry in D1Cre transgenic lines. (c) Line R, (d) line A and (e) line S. The accompanying Southern blots show the copy number dependent expression of Cre. The upper band is the endogenous Drd1a gene and the lower band is the D1Cre YAC transgene. Abbreviations: CL: centrolateral thalamic nucleus; CM: central medial thalamic nucleus; CPu: caudate putamen; DG: dentate gyrus; LD: laterodorsal thalamic nucleus; VL: ventrolateral thalamic nucleus;VM: ventromedial thalamic nucleus; VMH: ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus. Magnification: (b-e) 5×.