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. 2003 Jul;87(7):893–898. doi: 10.1136/bjo.87.7.893

Table 1.

Clinical details for affected individuals

Pedigree number Age (years) Retinal appearances Visual acuity right, left Electrophysiological findings Sensorineural hearing loss (age detected, years) Other ocular findings
I:1 died aged 72 Bilateral “macula chorioretinitis” Poor vision Yes (40s)
II1 67 Both eyes: well demarcated area of chorioretinal atrophy with pigment hypertrophy centred on the macula 6/18, 6/24 Declined testing Yes (50) Left exotropia, iris heterochromia
II3 77 Both eyes: well demarcated area of chorioretinal atrophy with pigment hypertrophy centred on the macula HM, 6/18 PERG: normal Yes (60) Low myopia
EOG: mildly subnormal Right squint surgery as child
ERG: normal
III1 42 Right eye: well demarcated area of chorioretinal atrophy with pigment hypertrophy Declined testing Yes (36)
Left eye: multiple yellow drusen-like deposits at the macula
III3 41 Both eyes: well demarcated area of chorioretinal atrophy with pigment hypertrophy centred on the macula 6/9, 6/9 Yes (20) Low myopia
III5 died aged 41 Bilateral macular dystrophy Not known Hearing loss
III:6 51 Multiple yellow drusen-like deposits centred on both maculas 6/9, 6/9 PERG: mild reduction Yes (40s) Low myopia
EOG: normal Left squint surgery aged 4
ERG: normal
III8 44 Multiple yellow drusen-like deposits centred on both maculas 6/6, 6/6 Declined testing No
IV3 15 Multiple yellow drusen-like deposits centred on both maculas 6/6, 6/6 ERG: normal Not detected Low myopia
EOG: mildly subnormal Left strabismic amblyopia
IV4 13 Multiple yellow drusen-like deposits centred on both maculas 6/9, 6/24 ERG: normal Not detected
EOG: mildly subnormal

ERG = electroretinogram; PERG = pattern ERG; EOG = electro-oculography.