Table 1.
Items in the daily living tasks dependent on vision by dimension
Subscale 1 (8 items) |
Reading normal size newsprint |
Reading correspondence—eg, letters and bills |
Signing documents—eg, cheques |
Identifying money from a wallet |
Reading road signs/street names |
Watching TV programmes |
Distinguishing a person’s features across the street |
Distinguishing a person’s features across the room |
Subscale 2 (8 items) |
Distinguishing a person’s features at arm’s length |
Reading newspaper headlines |
Pouring yourself a drink |
Using kitchen appliances |
Recognising seasonal changes in the garden |
Cutting up food on your plate |
Enjoying the scenery if out for a drive |
Cutting fingernails |
Subscale 3 (7 items) |
How would you rate overall near vision? |
How would you rate overall distance vision? |
Confidence in ability to walk around one’s own neighbourhood |
Confidence in an ability to walk around an unfamiliar neighbourhood |
Do you agree? I feel I have to be more careful because of my eye condition |
Noticing objects off to either side |
Seeing steps and using them |
Subscale 4 (2 items) |
Adjusting to brightness after being in the dark |
Adjusting to darkness after being in the light |