Standard therapy for corneal ulcers without hypopyon: |
1st line: chloramphenicol drops, 1 drop every 2 hours |
chloramphenicol ointment, 2 times daily |
mydriatic: homatropine drops or atropine ointment as required |
2nd line: gentamicin eye drops, 1 drop every 2 hours |
chloramphenicol ointment, 2 times daily |
mydriatic as above |
3rd line: gentamicin eye drops, 1 drop every 2 hours |
tetracylcine ointment, 2 times daily |
mydriatics as above |
Standard therapy for corneal ulcers with hypopyon: |
Subconjuntival injection of gentamicin (0.5 ml) given at every visit until resolved |
Systemic antibiotic and painkillers are given in severe cases as per decision of clinician |