(A) Per cent weight during dextran sodium sulphate (DSS) induced acute colitis. DSS 2% was given to the drinking water of homozygous α1-AGP-transgenic (n=36 and n=17 from day 5), heterozygous α1-AGP-transgenic (n=38 and n=19 from day 5), and wild-type mice (n=30 and n=15 from day 5). Weight was recorded daily. Statistical significance was assessed compared with wild-type mice. (B) Survival during DSS induced acute colitis. DSS 2% was given to the drinking water of homozygous α1-AGP-transgenic (n=18), heterozygous α1-AGP-transgenic (n=19), and wild-type mice (n=15). Survival was recorded daily. Statistical significance was assessed compared with wild-type mice. **p<0.01, ***p<0.001.