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. 2003 Apr;52(4):552–557. doi: 10.1136/gut.52.4.552

Table 3.

Demographic, clinical, and biological parameters depending on Crohn’s disease behaviour*

B1 B2 B3 p Value
Age at diagnosis (%) (n=163) n=110 n=18 n=35
    <40 years (A1) 82.0 88.9 94.3 0.18
    >40 years (A2) 18.0 11.1 5.7
Location of the disease (%) (n=163) n=110 n=18 n=35
    Ileal (L1) 38.2 89.9 45.7 0.0003
    Colonic (L2) 33.6 0 22.9
    Ileocolonic (L3) 23.6 0 28.6
    Upper gastrointestinal tract (L4) 4.6 11.1 2.9
Sex (%) (n=163) n=110 n=18 n=35
    Male 34.5 22.2 37.1 0.53
    Female 65.5 77.8 62.9
Smoking habit (%) (n=124) n=79 n=16 n=29
    Yes 41.8 62.5 65.5 0.052
    No 58.2 37.5 34.5
Familial disease (%) (n= 156) n=106 n=16 n=34
    Yes 17.0 31.3 5.9 0.07
    No 83.0 68.7 94.1
ASCA (%) (n=90) n=54 n=14 n=22
    Positive 64.8 35.7 72.7 0.044
    Negative 35.2 64.3 27.3
NOD2/CARD15 (%) (n=101) n=48 n=18 n=35
    Wild-type 47.9 44.4 68.6 0.34
    Heterozygotes 39.6 38.9 22.8
    Homozygotes and compound heterozygotes 12.5 16.7 8.6
Steroid courses (No/year) (n=126) n=83 n=15 n=28
0.35 (0.48)* 0.23 (0.26)* 0.69 (0.71)* 0.026
Flares of CD (No/year) (n=126) n=83 n=15 n=28
0.74 (0.77)* 0.68 (0.22)* 1.53 (0.82)* <0.0001
Azathioprine treatment (months/year) (n=145) n=99 n=16 n=30
0.25 (0.12)* 0.4 (0.4)* 0.16 (0.16)* 0.84

*B1, non-stricturing non-penetrating; B2, stricturing; B3, penetrating, according to the Vienna classification, five years after diagnosis.

p values correspond to univariate analysis for each parameter using either χ2 or Kruskal Wallis tests, as required.

CD, Crohn’s disease; ASCA, antisaccharomyces cerevisiae antibodies.

*Mean (SD).