MSE55 localizes to lamellipodia in Cos-7 cells. FLAG-tagged MSE55 was transfected into Cos-7 cells. Expression of wild-type MSE55 (a) or a CRIB mutant, MSE55-D36A, P41A, H47A (c), was detected with the M2 anti-FLAG mouse mAb and goat anti-mouse IgG-FITC. Staining of F-actin filaments was visualized with Texas Red-phalloidin (b and d). Fluorescent micrographs show MSE55 staining in membrane ruffles 18 hr after transfection (a and b). MSE55-D36A, P41A, H47A-expressing cells (c) showed less staining in the ruffles and more stress fibers (d). (Bar = 20 μm.)