Schematic representation of the main volumes of interest (VOI) defined for the functional magnetic resonance imaging analysis (top). Abbreviations: fsup, superior dorsolateral prefrontal cortex; finf, inferior dorsolateral prefrontal cortex; amyg/hipp, amygdala and hippocampus; insa, anterior insula; insp, posterior insula; smrg, secondary sensory cortex; occ, occipital visual cortex; paracen, primary sensory cortex; thal, thalamus; cingp, posterior cingulate cortex; cinga, anterior cingulate cortex. Significantly increased or decreased activations during painful rectal distension without (middle row) or with (bottom row) painful heterotopic stimulation of the foot compared with baseline are shown in healthy controls, and constipated (IBS-C) and diarrhoeic (IBS-D) irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) patients. VOIs significantly activated or deactivated compared with baseline within each group are shaded in pink and light blue, respectively. Significant activations or deactivations compared with other subject groups are depicted in red or dark blue, respectively. For detailed results of all activated VOIs, please refer to table 2 ▶.