Developmental (panel A) and cellular (panels B) expression pattern of CreOlig1 and CrePLP transgenes. Panel A. Brains of CreOlig1/LacZactin-stop (left two panels) and CrePLP/LacZactin-stop (middle two panels) double Tg mice, as well as a LacZactin-stop Tg mouse (right panel), at postnatal age of 1 week, 2 weeks, or 6 weeks, were subjected to LacZ histochemical staining. The 6-week-old LacZactin-stop Tg mouse exhibited no LacZ staining. Panel B. LacZ and immunohischemical double-staining of brain sections of 4-week-old CrePLP/LacZactin-stop mice. CC= corpus callsoum, HIP=hippocampus, and CTX = cerebral cortex.