Figure 4.
Effects of disrupting ASIC2 on visceral mechanoreceptors. (A) Increased sensitivity of vagal gastro-oesophageal mucosal receptors. Stimulus-response functions of mucosal receptors from ASIC2 (+/+) (circles, n = 23, N = 8) and (-/-) mice (squares, n = 21, N = 12), showing a significant increase in ASIC2 -/- (p<0.01, two way ANOVA of stimulus response curves). (B) Decreased sensitivity of vagal gastro-oesophageal tension receptors. Stimulus-response functions of tension receptors from ASIC2 (+/+) (circles, n = 23, N = 8) and (-/-) mice (squares, n = 21, N = 12), showing a significant decrease in ASIC2 -/- (p<0.001, two way ANOVA). (C) Unaltered sensitivity of colonic mesenteric mechanoreceptors. Stimulus-response functions from ASIC2 (+/+) (circles, n = 20, N = 14) and (-/-) mice (squares, n = 26, N = 15), showing no change in stimulus-response function (p>0.05, two way ANOVA). (D) Increased sensitivity of colonic serosal mechanoreceptors. Stimulus-response functions of colonic serosal mechanoreceptors from ASIC2 (+/+) (circles, n = 27, N = 19) and (-/-) mice (squares, n = 34, N = 21), showing a significant increase in stimulus-response function in ASIC2 -/- mice (p<0.01, two way ANOVA). Asterisks denote differences at individual stimulus strengths significant by Bonferroni post hoc analysis (*p<0.05, **p<0.01). N = number of animals and n = number of observations.