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. 2007 Jan;175(1):267–275. doi: 10.1534/genetics.106.066142


Fates of the 25 continuous evolution lineages

Lineage designation Bottleneck population size Extinction at burst no. Mutations observeda (burst appeared, burst fixed)
4Vb 100 18 A (10, 18), F
4R 100 18 A (11, 18), F
4Z 100 18 A (13, 18), F
4Y 100 28 A (18, 28)
4W 100 30 A (22, 30)
4U 100 34 A (21, 34), S (ND, ND)
3K 300 21 A (15, 21), F
3O 300 22 A (16, 22), F
3J 300 27 A (22, 27), F
3N 300 31 A (21, 31)
3W 300 36 A (30, 36), S (ND, 28)
3X 300 37 A (29, 37), S (ND, ND)
3A 600 27 A (20, 27), F
3V 600 27 A (20, 27), F
3S 600 31 A (19, 31), F
3E 600 33 A (25, 33)
3Q 600 37 A (26, 37)
5A 600 50+ M (15, 21); S (20, 43)
3D 600 50+ M (ND, NF); S (ND, 32)
2I 3000 36 A (18); S (7, gone by 25)
2K 3000 37 A (22); S (3, 30)
2A 3000 45 A (31); S (8, gone by 10)
2J 3000 49 A (23, NF); M (40, NF); S (6, 30)
1A 3000 50+ M (5, 10); S (6, 10)
1C 3000 50+ M (5, 6); S (6, 6)

A, polyadenylations; F, floodgate; M, immunity; S, insurance; NF, never fixed (always polymorphic); ND, not determined. Not all bursts were surveyed for the presence of the floodgate mutation.


Lineages in italics were subjected to direct sequence analyses, as well as to RFLP.