Notation used
t | Time units (generally in years) |
N1 | No. of age-1 individuals (newborns) produced in one time interval |
Nx | No. of individuals of age x in the population |
∑Nx | Total no. of individuals in the population |
j | Age at first maturity |
q | Age at senescence |
N | Population size, expressed as the total census size (![]() ![]() |
T | Generation length (mean age of parents) |
bx | Mean no. of offspring produced in one time interval by individuals of age x |
lx | Fraction of a cohort that survives to age x |
sx | Fraction of individuals of age x that survive to age x + 1 |
dx | Fraction of individuals of age x that die before reaching age x + 1; dx = 1− sx |
vx | Reproductive value for individuals of age x |
αx | Fraction of a cohort that reaches age x and then dies; αx = lxdx |
λ | Population growth rate per time period |
k | No. of gametes contributed to the next generation by an individual over its lifetime |
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Mean lifetime k for individuals that die between ages x and x + 1 |
σx2 | Variance in lifetime k of individuals that die between ages x and x + 1 |
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Mean lifetime k for all individuals breeding within a generation |
Vk | Variance in lifetime k among all individuals within a generation |
Ne | Effective population size for a generation |
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An estimate of effective size based on genetic data for two samples taken 1 or more time units apart |
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Instantaneous effective size that describes the actual rate of change in the population at a point t in time |
S | No. of individuals per time interval sampled for genetic analysis |
L | Time interval between samples |
g | Elapsed no. of generations between samples; g = L/T |
F | Standardized variance of allele frequencies |
Px(t) | Allele frequency in age class x at time unit t |
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Population allele frequency at time t, weighting each individual equally |
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Population allele frequency at time t, weighting each individual by its reproductive value |
C | A constant that depends on life-history parameters of the population, used to estimate Ne in the temporal method of Jorde and Ryman (1995) |