Figure 5.
Protein abundance in the yeast proteome and identification by mass spectrometry. (a) Blue bars indicate the number of yeast proteins in copy number classes (recalculated from the data in Ghaemmaghami et al. [17]). Red bars represent the proteins identified in each copy number class in this study, green bars represent the data from Washburn et al. [14] and yellow bars data from Peng et al. [15]. The arrow labeled 0.5-1 pmol points to the bin with a 50% chance of identification (this data) whereas the arrow labeled 20-40 pmol indicates the amount and copy number needed for a 50% chance of identification by the Washburn et al. and Peng et al. studies. (b) Data of this study normalized to the number of proteins detected by western blotting in each copy number class. (c) Percentage of the total protein sequence covered by identified peptides as an average for the abundance bin. Sequence coverage for each protein is calculated in Additional data file 1.