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. 2006 Dec 12;8:175–193. doi: 10.1251/bpo126

Table 2.

Correlations of genes of included in microarray trend analysis versus genes excluded from microarray trend analysis.

  Genes included in array trend analysis Genes excluded from array trend analysis
Data Set Correlation p-value n Correlation p-value n
All Primers 0.882 <0.0001 45 0.306 0.049 42
Up-regulated on array 0.898 <0.0001 33 0.048 0.8278 23
down-regulated on array -0.140 0.6641 12 -0.243 0.3155 19
Fold Change ≥ ± 1.4 by array 0.893 <0.0001 28 ND ND 0
Fold Change < ± 1.4 by array 0.586 0.0134 17 0.306 0.049 42
Fold Change ≥ ± 1.4 by qPCR 0.893 <0.0001 25 0.562 0.0366 14
Fold Change < ± 1.4 by qPCR 0.537 0.0147 20 -0.009 0.9629 28
Ct > median 0.870 <0.00011 22 0.465 0.0339 21
Ct < median 0.895 <0.0001 23 0.004 0.9866 21
Log(Intensity) > median 0.843 <0.0001 22 -0.072 0.7557 21
Log(Intensity) < median 0.934 <0.0001 23 0.443 0.0444 21
p-value ≤ 0.0001 0.910 <0.0001 26 0.872 0.0539 5
p-value > 0.0001 0.708 0.0007 19 0.180 0.2875 37
Up or down-regulated conserved 80.00%*   36 76.19%   32
For verification of the mouse brain DA time course 14 genes included in the array trend set (≥1.7 fold change in at least one time point and a composite p-value ≤0.0001) determined to be of biological interest, given their known responses to DA or the degree of change exhibited by microarray, were selected for validation by qPCR. In addition, 13 genes of lesser confidence that were excluded from array trend analysis were verified by qPCR. Both data sets were normalized to tubulin, alpha 4. The effects of direction of regulation, degree of fold change, Ct value, spot intensity, and array p-value on correlation were examined. All correlations were calculated using Spearman’s Rho. *This value is the percentage of genes for which the direction of change was determined to be the same by both array and qPCR analyses. ND: no data (insufficient sample size, n≤2).