Figure 4. Time course of the effect of visuo-motor skill training on EEG–EMG coherence.
Traces showing the duration of the effect of visuo-motor skill training on EEG–EMG coherence around 15–35 Hz in a single subject. Measurements are shown at baseline (before training, A), immediately after (B), and up to 15 min after the visuo-motor skill session was stopped (C). The cumulant density function at each corresponding time is shown in the right side (D–F). The ordinate shows the size of the cumulant density function. The abscissa shows the time domain (milliseconds). The EEG power (G–I) and EMG power (J–L) is shown at the same time points. The 95% confidence limit is given by the dashed horizontal line in A, B and C and by the continuous lines on either side of zero in D, E and F.