Table 1.
Sub index | Answer | Value |
PAI | A | 0 |
B | 2.5 | |
C | 5 | |
D | 7.5 | |
E | 10 | |
FUI | Never | 0 |
Not every year | 2.5 | |
Every year once | 5 | |
2–3 times a year | 7.5 | |
4 or more a year | 10 | |
TSAI | A | 0 |
B | 3.33 | |
C | 6.67 | |
D | 10 | |
MFFI | Do not know | 0 |
Always mixed in a stew with other mushrooms and meat: "amarillito con carne y hongos" | 2.5 | |
In a stew not as its principal element, mixed with mushrooms, not with meat: "amarillito con hongos" | 5 | |
As the principal element of a stew: pie, "quesadillas", mushrooms soup | 7.5 | |
Cooked alone not in stew: roast, fried in butter | 9 | |
If it is eaten raw or conserved for future consumption | +1 | |
KTI | New use, discovered by itself | 0 |
An immigrant (near town, other Mexican state, foreigner) | 2.5 | |
Some town people, not blood parent (husband, friend, job partner) | 5 | |
Father or mother, and he/she did not teach it to he's sons | 7.5 | |
Three or more generations involved (grand fathers, fathers, he/she, sons) | 10 | |
HI | He/she do not eat it because can be confused with a toxic one | 0 |
He/she had eat it but with ill consequences | 3.33 | |
He/she eat it with confidence, and it is healthy | 6.67 | |
He/she eat it because it is good to health (give strong, mind power, reconstituent, medicine) | 10 | |
EI | He/she do not sell or buy it | 0 |
He/she have sell or buy it occasionally at low prices | 3.33 | |
He/she have sell or buy it regularly | 6.67 | |
He/she have sell or buy it at high prices | 10 |
PAI: Perceived Abundance Index; FUI: Frequency of Use Index; TSAI: Taste Score
Appreciation Index; MFFI: Multifunctional Food Index; KTI: Knowledge Transmission Index; HI: Health
Index; EI: Economic Index.