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. 2007 Jan 11;3:4. doi: 10.1186/1746-4269-3-4

Table 2.

Example of EMCSI compute process for the responses of three interviewees

Var. Question I 1 Cat. Val. I 2 Cat. Val. I 3 Val. Compute
QI Sp. mentioned in his/her free list Yes 1 Yes 1 No 0 2/3 = 0.67*
PAI Informant rank the abundance of spi B B 2.5 C C 5 0 3.75
FUI How often do you eat spi? Every week 4 or more a year 10 Monthly from Jul. to Sep. 2–3 times a year 7.5 0 8.75
TSAI How much do you like spi? D D 10 C C 6.67 0 8.335
MFFI How do you cook spi? Fried in butter, raw Cooked alone plus raw (9 + 1) 10 "Amarillito con hongos" Not principal element 5 0 7.5
KTI How many generations know... Since grandma Three or more generations 10 Learned from husband Town, not blood parent 5 0 7.5
HI How safe is to eat spi... Eat it with confidence 6.67 Because it is good to health 10 0 8.335
EI Have you sold/bought spi... No 0 Buy every month Regularly 6.67 0 3.335
EMCSI 46.404

In Var.: Variable. QI: Mention Index. PAI: Perceived Abundance Index. FUI: Frequency of Use Index. TSAI: Taste Score

Appreciation Index. MFFI: Multifunctional Food Index. KTI: Knowledge Transmission index. HI: Health Index. EI: Economic Index.

EMCSI: Edible Mushroom Cultural Significance Index. I 1, I 2, I 3: Answers of informants 1, 2 and 3. Cat.: Categorization. Val. Value. In the entire table, the categorizations and associated values are those indicated in Table 1. In Compute: * the formula for QI = (Number of mentions/Number of informants) 10. However, note than the division by 10 is to fit QI values to the same scale of other variables, because in this example just 3 informants were considered, the division was not done. The final value of each variable (except QI) is the average of informants' responses considering just those that knew the species; in this case 2.