Estimation of the early forward rate constant during channel activation. (Top) Voltage protocols that were used to induce channel activation. Underneath in gray are the leak-corrected raw current traces of WT and the constructs Δ171–372, EIEEE, and Δ143–372. For each construct the current trace corresponding to the potential analyzed is highlighted in black (+10 mV for WT and Δ171–372; −30 mV for EIEEE and −40 mV for Δ143–372). These potentials were chosen to account for the respective shifts of voltage dependence of activation. (Middle) Enhanced view of the current traces analyzed. The dotted line corresponds to zero current, and the dashed line corresponds to the exponential fit and the extrapolation. (Bottom) Expanded view of these current traces. Note the shortening of the time lag (arrows) for the EIEEE construct and especially the Δ143–372 mutation. The values of the time lag are given below the tracings.