Figure 3.
Histopathological analysis of parenchymal changes in damaged salivary gland by radiation. H&E staining of nonirradiated control (A–D), 40 days (E–H) and 90 days (I–L) after 17.5-Gy IR. Nonirradiated control groups are composed of acinar (a), intercalated duct (i), granular convoluted duct (g), and secretory duct (d). At 40 days after 17.5-Gy IR in the vector control group, severe vacuolization (squares), some pyknotic nuclei (arrows), and lysis of acinar or granular convoluted ducts (l) are seen. At 90 days after IR, most of the parenchymal structures in the vector control group are destroyed, with severe fibrosis and some inflammatory infiltration. During the days after IR, HSP25 (F, J)-, HSP70i (G, K)-, and amifostine (H, L)-pretreated salivary glands show clearer lobular structures, more acinar and granular convoluted cells, and fewer vacuoles than vector-transferred IR control (E and I). It was more severe at 90 days than at 40 days after IR. Original magnifications, ×400.