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. 2007 Feb;48(2):169–177.

Table 1.

Criteria for arrhythmia identification

Arrhythmia Criteria for identification
Second degree AV block (AVB) Absence of QRST complexes following P wave, without complete AV-dissociation
Advanced AVB (aAVB) More than one consecutive blocked atrial depolarization
Sinus pause (SP) Intervals greater than two seconds between consecutive sinus complexes
Ventricular premature complexes (VPC) Abnormal QRS complex that is bizarre, premature, large, and not associated with a P wave
Ventricular escape complexes (VEsC) Abnormal QRS complex that follows a pause that is equal or longer than the preceding R-R interval, bizarre, large and not associated with a P wave
Ventricular tachycardia (VT) Runs of more than 3 ventricular premature complexes occurring in succession at a rate of greater than 160 beats per minute
R-on-T phenomenon (RT) Ventricular premature complex that falls on preceding beat’s T wave (RTs were also counted as VPC)
Atrial premature complexes (APC) Normal QRS complex that follows a premature P wave, which is configured differently than sinus P waves. The prematurity exceeds the maximum observed heart rate after glycopyrrolate administration
Atrial tachycardia (AT) Runs of more than 3 atrial premature complexes