Table 1.
Criteria for arrhythmia identification
Arrhythmia | Criteria for identification |
Second degree AV block (AVB) | Absence of QRST complexes following P wave, without complete AV-dissociation |
Advanced AVB (aAVB) | More than one consecutive blocked atrial depolarization |
Sinus pause (SP) | Intervals greater than two seconds between consecutive sinus complexes |
Ventricular premature complexes (VPC) | Abnormal QRS complex that is bizarre, premature, large, and not associated with a P wave |
Ventricular escape complexes (VEsC) | Abnormal QRS complex that follows a pause that is equal or longer than the preceding R-R interval, bizarre, large and not associated with a P wave |
Ventricular tachycardia (VT) | Runs of more than 3 ventricular premature complexes occurring in succession at a rate of greater than 160 beats per minute |
R-on-T phenomenon (RT) | Ventricular premature complex that falls on preceding beat’s T wave (RTs were also counted as VPC) |
Atrial premature complexes (APC) | Normal QRS complex that follows a premature P wave, which is configured differently than sinus P waves. The prematurity exceeds the maximum observed heart rate after glycopyrrolate administration |
Atrial tachycardia (AT) | Runs of more than 3 atrial premature complexes |