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. 1999 Dec 22;2(1):75–84. doi: 10.1186/ar71

Table 1.

Patient characteristics

Number Age Sex Disease Erosive
of subjects (years) (F/total) duration (years) CRP disease
All patients 45 55 34/45 10 15 27/42
(23–86) (76%) (0.5–30) (0–95) (64%)
Patients with 54 15/19 8 10 12/18
high anti-CII levels 19 (31–86) (79%) (0.5–30) (0–95) (67%)
Patients with low 26 55 19/26 12.5 20 15/24
anti-CII levels (23–78) (73%) (2.0–30) (0–62) (63%)
Healthy controls 25 51 22/25 ND
(36–61) (88%)

Number of Number of Mean daily
swollen tender NSAID Steroid prednisolone MTX DMARD
joints joints therapy therapy dosage therapy therapy

All patients 2 4 26/42 13/42 2.0 13/42 30/42
(0–17) (0–17) (62%) (31%) (31%) (71%)
Patients with 9 6 10/18 4/18 1.1 5/18 9/18
high anti-CII levels (0–17) (0–17) (56%) (22%) (28%) (50%)
Patients with low 2 3 16/24 9/24 /2.7 8/24 21/24
anti-CII levels (0-15) (0–16) (67%) (38%) (33%) (88%)
Healthy controls

Data are given as median values and ranges for the various groups. Daily prednisolone dosages are presented as mean values in mg. Disease Modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs) include sulfasalazin (0/18 high anti-CII patients treated, 6/24 low anti-CII patients treated,), cyklosporine (1/18 high anti-CII, 1/24 low anti-CII), Reumacon (a podophyllin derivative, 1/18 high anti-CII, 1/24 low anti-CII), chloroquine (0/18 high anti-CII, 2/24 low anti-CII), aurathiomalase (0/18 high anti-CII, 3/24 low anti-CII), auranofin (1/18 high anti-CII, 0/24 low anti-CII) and azatioprin (1/18 high Anti-CII, 1/24 low anti-CII). Figures for sex distribution, erosiveness and medications are given both as fraction of number positive/number Investigated, and as percentage. Data on erosive disease are based on X-ray evaluations. Patient charts were not available for three patients, one With high anti-CII levels and two with low anti-CII levels. F, female; CRP, C-reactive protein; NSAID, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug; MTX, Methotrexate; ND, not done; CII, collagen type II.