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. 2007 Feb;97(2):247–251. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2005.072975


Pregnancy-Related Mortality Ratios (PRMRs) and Percentage of Pregnancy-Related Mortality Cases Attributable to Black–White Differences in Prevalence and Case-Fatality Rates for 5 Selected Pregnancy Complications, by Race: United States, 1988–1999

Deaths, No. PRMRa
Black White Black White Black–White Ratio of PRMRs Cases Attributable to Difference in Prevalence, % Cases Attributable to Difference in Case-Fatality Rates, %
Preeclampsia 177 261 2.334 0.700 3.3 18 82
Eclampsia 153 193 2.017 0.517 3.9 34 66
Abruption 43 71 0.567 0.190 3.0 7 93
Placenta previa 14 28 0.185 0.075 2.5 5 95
Postpartum hemorrhage 74 148 0.976 0.397 2.5 0 100

aPRMRs were calculated as the number of pregnancy-related deaths from each of the selected conditions (obtained from the Pregnancy Mortality Surveillance System) per 100 000 live births (obtained from National Center for Health Statistics natality files).

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