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. 2005 Jun;115(2):239–245. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2567.2005.02135.x

Table 2. Per cent TCR-αβ+ CD8+ tetramer and per cent bulk TCR-αβ+ CD8+ (tetramer minus) in parentheses expressing each marker among six volunteers from the FluM1 group12.

Subject ID

Marker 01 02 03 04 05 06
CD27 58 (71) 91 (92) 97 (85) 99 (81) 99 (57) 100 (72)
CD28 24 (48) 74 (82) 93 (73) 86 (76) 96 (58) 98 (67)
CD45RA 6 (25) 7 (54) 16 (38) 1 (28) 7 (32) 3 (41)
CD62L 35 (45) 38 (47) 40 (46) 41 (63) 28 (48) 70 (60)
CD94 63 (14) 60 (2) 32 (9) 82 (15) 45 (7) 11 (17)
HLA-DR 20 (24) 19 (12) 12 (26) 15 (28) 6 (34) 1 (14)
Granzyme A 79 (70) 73 (33) 52 (55) 98 (56) 20 (65) 53 (38)
Perforin 68 (27) 27 (5) 5 (14) 27 (20) 5 (29) 4 (33)
CXCR3 32 (24) 62 (36) 83 (53) 99 (85) 85 (74) 90 (57)
CXCR4 19 (18) 39 (64) 23 (32) 52 (41) 97 (88) 59 (52)
CXCR5 6 (4) 6 (2) 9 (4) 1 (2) 12 (1) 7 (1)
CCR5 57 (34) 20 (13) 42 (30) 91 (41) 29 (37) 44 (37)
CCR6 18 (7) 6 (13) 4 (6) 2 (10) 15 (10) 3 (6)
CCR7 12 (22) 27 (64) 16 (35) 2 (40) 21 (17) 33 (38)

Per cent marker expression is derived from the number of marker-positive tetramer + events (upper right quadrant of plots in Figs 1 and 2) or tetramer (bulk CD8+ T cells) events (bottom right quadrant) divided by number of total tetramer+ or tetramer (bulk CD8+ T cells) events (Upper or bottom right and left quadrants).


Markers shown in bold or underlined across the donor indicate that the mean per cent marker expression of the tetramer + CD8+ T cell is significantly lower (bold) or higher (underline) than that of the tetramer CD8+ T cell (bulk CD8+ T cells) with P < 0·05, determined by the paired Student's t-test. See the graphical representation of these values in Fig. 3.