Immunomodulation by ES-62. ES-62 targets multiple cells of the immune system [black arrows (+) and T bars (–)] to achieve immunomodulation, broadly biasing the immune response to a Th2/anti-inflammatory response characterized by the production of low levels of IL-12, IFN-γ, TNF-α and IL-6 (red arrows), secretion of IL-4 (green arrow) by Th2 cells and production of the Th2-associated antibody isotypes IgG1 (mouse) and IgG4 (human). IL-10 production by B1 cells (green arrow) also contributes to this response. ES-62 alters costimulatory molecule expression on DCs and targets the signalling pathways triggered following cross-linking of the B- and T-cell antigen receptors (BCR and TCR), hence disrupting the responses of these cells to specific antigen.