Figure 3.
Subject H0009. (a) HIV viral load (copies/ml plasma, □) and CD4+ T-cell count (per microlitre of whole blood, ▪). H0009 was asymptomatic until commencing HAART with zidovudine, didanosine and nevirapine on 14/05/01. The clone size of pp65 peptide 69-specific clonotype 9C was stable over 12 years (⋄). The frequency of CD8+ CTLp specific to peptide 69 was high and maintained at a stable level at multiple time-points over 7 years (◊). Clone size of clonotype 9B (⋄) and frequency of CD8+ CTLp specific for gag peptide 728 (◊). (d) Progressive expansion in the clone size of env peptide 740.19 specific clonotype 9A then contraction following HAART (⋄) – the calculated half-life of decline was 40 weeks. LDA frequency of CTLp specific for this peptide (◊). (e) Progressive expansion then contraction in the proportion of clonotype 9A sequences within all Vβ13.6+ sequences (•) and the proportion of all CD8+ cells that were Vβ13.6+ by flow cytometry (○). (f, h) Clone size per 106 CD8+ T cells of each subpopulation of clonotypes 9C and 9A within CD28– CD27– (◊) and CD28– CD27+ subpopulations (⋄). (g, i) Clone sizes of clonotypes 9C and 9A within CD45RA+ (⋄) and CD45RO+ (◊) subpopulations.