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. 2001 Mar;102(3):301–309. doi: 10.1046/j.1365-2567.2001.01194.x

Figure 5.

Figure 5

Oligoclonal populations are CD28 and correlate with the high number of T cells which bind specific MHC/peptide tetramers. (a) Persistence of CD8+ expansions in highly oligoclonal repertoire (donor A11). RT-PCR-HD reactions for TCRBV 1, 2, 4, 6, 17, 18, on CD4 and CD8 T cells separated from PBMC taken 9 months apart. (b) Clonotypic HD bands segregate with the CD28 fraction. RT-PCR-HD reactions for TCRBV 2, 3 18 on CD28+ and CD28 T cells separated from PBMC of donor A11. (c) PBMC from donor A11 were stained with PE-conjugated HLA-B8/RAKFKQLL tetrameric complex, combined with antibodies to CD3 and CD8. A dot plot shows data gated on CD3+ cells, with tetramer staining on the y-axis (RAKB8). The number of CD8+ T cells staining with the tetramer reagent is shown in the upper right quadrant.