Table 2.
aThe diagram recall score is based on delayed (10–15 min) reproduction of the Rey-Osterrieth figure (Osterrieth 1944) (maximum score: 36).
bThe paired associates score is the number of words recalled on three successive trials (maximum score: 10/trial).
cThe word recall score is the percentage of words recalled out of 15 across five successive study-test trials (Rey 1964).
dThe word recognition score is the percentage of words identified correctly across five successive study-test trials (yes/no recognition of 15 new words and 15 old words). The mean percent hit rate was 48, 56, and 95 for NC, PN, and MG, respectively. The mean percent false alarm rate was 7, 13, and 29, respectively.
eThe score for words and faces is based on a 24-h recognition test of 50 words or 50 faces (modified from Warrington 1984) (maximum score: 50; chance: 25).
Mean scores ± standard errors are also provided for four patients with histologically confirmed hippocampal damage (H), five patients with Korsakoff’s syndrome (KOR), and eight controls (CON) from Squire and Shimamura (1986). RB was tested only on the diagram recall test and the paired associates test. Scores for PN on Words and Faces are the average of two tests.