Figure 3. Temporal Luminescence Profiles of Organ Explants from TRE-Rev-erbα/LAP-tTA/mPer2::luc Triple Transgenic Mice.
(A) Liver slices from mPer2::luc (left) and LAP-tTA/TRE-Rev-erbα/mPer2::luc (right) mice were cultured in luciferin-containing medium in the absence (−Dox) or presence (+Dox) of 10-ng/μl Dox. Luminescence was recorded using photomultiplier tubes. −Dox and +Dox samples are from the same animal; +Dox (pretreated) samples are from mice that have received two intraperitoneal injections of Dox 48 h and 24 h before being sacrificed.
(B) Lung explants from LAP-tTA/TRE-Rev-erbα/mPer2::luc mice were cultured as above in the presence or absence of Dox.