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Mitochondrial mutator genes identified in the arg8m reversion assay

Gene Relative arg8m reversion ratea Phenotype and/or functionb
YJR046w 17 Molecular function unknown, DNA replication licensing
YNL242w 42 Molecular function unknown, autophagy, peroxisome degradation
YOR279c 34 Peripheral membrane protein required for sporulation, molecular function unknown
YBL018c 5 Mitochondrial ribonuclease MRP
YPL188w (pos5) 50 Peroxide sensitive (this study)
YDL186w 6 Molecular and biological function unknown
Ngr1 6 Negative growth regulatory protein
YDR295c 11 Molecular and biological function unknown
Hap2 6 Heme-regulated transcription factor
YJL076w 105 Net1, Sir2-associated nucleolar protein required for rDNA silencing
Ecm10 509 hsp70 homolog in the mitochondrial matrix
Can1 13,762 Canavanine resistance, arginine permease

Relative to the reversion rate of TF236.


During the course of this work, putative functions were assigned to several mitochondrial mutator genes by the Saccharomyces Genome Database (