Recruitment of EKLF pointer to 5′HS3 requires 5′HS2. (A) A target plasmid containing 5′HS2 (lane 1), 5′HS23 (lane 2), or 5′HS234 (lane 3) linked to β-globin promoter was cotransfected with the expression vector for EKLF pointer. Primer extension was performed with 5′HS2-specific primer JS90. (B) A target plasmid containing 5′HS3 (lane 1), 5′HS23 (lane 2), or 5′HS234 (lane 3) linked to the β-globin promoter was cotransfected with the expression vector for EKLF pointer. Primer extension was performed with 5′HS3-specific primer JS46P. (C) The DNA samples used in lane 1 (5′HS2-β) of A and lanes 1 (5′HS3-β) and 2 (5′HS23-β) of B were subjected to primer extension with a promoter-specific primer JS41 for lanes 1, 2, and 3, respectively.