Figure 5.
Arc and Endophilin Associate with Endosomes in Neurons(A)Arc and endophilin 3 transgenes co-localize in large puncta in the dendritic shaft and in spines.
(B) Neurons were incubated with a GluR1 N-terminal antibody at 10°C, and were subsequently allowed to undergo basal endocytosis for 30 min at 37°C. Any remaining surface GluR1 were stripped with an acid wash. Internalized GluR1 puncta co-localize with many of the endophilin-Arc transgene vesicular puncta.
(C) Neurons were incubated with Alexa555-transferrin for one hour at 37°C, labeling both early and recycling endosomal pools. A number of Arc-endophilin transgene puncta co-localized with transferrin in dendrites (yellow arrows).