Phloretin inhibits zero-trans-glucose
influx competitively. Glucose transport was measured rapidly (5
seconds) in the absence (●) and presence (■) of
45 μM (A) or 91 μM (B) phloretin. The full
lines represent the fitted Michaelis–Menten curves. A, no
phloretin: Vmax = 169 ± 2
nmol⋅min−1⋅mg⋅protein−1 and
Km = 0.73 ± 0.01 mM. A,
with phloretin: Vmax = 169 ± 9
and Km ± 2.99 ± 0.36 mM. B, no
phloretin: Vmax = 198 ± 12
nmol⋅min−1⋅mg⋅protein−1 and
Km = 1.85 ± 0.38 mM. B, with
phloretin: Vmax = 193 ± 5
nmol⋅min−1⋅mg⋅protein−1 and
Km = 6.35 ± 0.39 mM. In the absence
of phloretin, ethanol was added to correct for any solvent effect. The
data in A were obtained with one batch of cells, isolated
from a single rat. The data in B were measured with another
batch of cells, obtained from a different rat.