Figure 3.
Longitudinal panel model with unstandardized measurement and parameter estimates. Effort-1 = effortful control at Time 1; Implsv-1 = impulsivity at Time 1; Resil-1 = resiliency at Time 1; Int-1 = internalizing problems at Time 1; Ext-1 = externalizing problems at Time 1; Effort-2 = effortful control at Time 2; Implsv-2 = impulsivity at Time 2; Resil-2 = resiliency at Time 2; Int-2 = internalizing problems at Time 2; Ext-2 = externalizing problems at Time 2; χ2(11, N = 214) = 13.76, p<.24, comparative fit index (CFI) = .98, root mean square error (RMSEA) = .03. Only significant cross-lagged paths are presented in this figure; refer to the text for a list of cross-lagged paths that were included in the model. Bold lines represent mediated paths.