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. 2006 Dec 21;80(2):273–390. doi: 10.1086/511051

Table 9. .

Diplotype Analysis for the IL23R SNPs rs7530511 and rs11209026

Discovery Sample SetGlobala P=.033
Replication 1 Sample SetGlobala P=8.47×10-6
Replication 2 Sample SetGlobala P=.009
Combined AnalysisGlobalb P=5.45×-7
No. (%) of
No. (%) of
No. (%) of
Diplotypec Cases Controls OR Pd Cases Controls OR Pd Cases Controls OR Pd ORcommon(95% CI)e Pcombf
C-G/C-G 340 (.728) 288 (.626) 1.60 9.58×10−4 357 (.717) 316 (.635) 1.46 6.73×10−3 350 (.728) 279 (.658) 1.39 .025 1.48 (1.26–1.74) 2.24×10−5
C-G/T-G 84 (.180) 112 (.243) .68 .020 81 (.163) 90 (.181) .88 .502 94 (.195) 81 (.191) 1.03 .933 .85 (.70–1.02)
C-G/C-A 33 (.071) 43 (.093) .74 .232 45 (.090) 72 (.145) .59 .010 30 (.062) 43 (.101) .59 .037 .63 (.49–.82) .005
C-G/T-A 0 0 0 0 0 0
C-A/C-A 2 (.004) 2 (.004) .98 1 1 (.002) 5 (.010) .20 .217 1 (.002) 2 (.005) .44 .602 .43 (.08–1.38) .667
C-A/T-G 4 (.009) 8 (.017) .47 .260 7 (.014) 7 (.014) 1.00 1.000 2 (.004) 9 (.021) .19 .029 .52 (.24–1.00) .136
C-A/T-A 0 0 2 (.004) 0 .499 0 0
T-G/T-G 4 (.009) 7 (.015) .56 .382 5 (.010) 8 (.016) .62 .579 4 (.008) 10 (.024) .35 .102 .49 (.23–.95) .270
T-G/T-A 0 0 0 0 0 0
T-A/T-A 0 0 0 0 0 0

Because of small counts in some of the cells, as well as the distribution of these counts, global P values were obtained by performing a permutation procedure on the data and generating a log-likelihood ratio homogeneity statistic for each permutation. The convergence of the statistic to its limiting distribution was measured by plotting the first two central moments as a function of the number of replicates. When the number of replicates reached a number in which the error of the P value estimates from a subsequent modeling procedure was negligible (<1%), a gamma distribution was fit using maximum-likelihood estimates for the parameters. Integration of the resulting gamma distribution yielded the global P values.


Calculated using Fisher’s combined test.


Allele 1 rs7530511-allele 1 rs11209026/allele 2 rs7530511-allele 2 rs11209026.


Calculated using Fisher’s exact test.


Calculated using a Mantel-Haenszel common OR.


Calculated for diplotypes with the same effect (risk or protection) in all three sample sets, with use of Fisher’s combined test.