Figure 3.
Specific Localization of the 2S Albumin Precursors in the Electron-Dense Core of the Novel Structures in mag2 Seeds.
(A) Immunoblot showing that anti-2S3P antibodies recognized 2S albumin precursors (p2S) but not the mature forms (2S). Dry seeds of wild-type and mag2-2 plants were subjected to immunoblotting with anti-2S and anti-2S3P antibodies.
(B) and (C) Immunogold analysis of mag2-2 seeds with anti-2S3P antibody, showing that 2S albumin precursors were localized in the electron-dense core of the structures but not in PSV. (B) shows a magnified image of the boxed area in (C). Bars = 0.5 μm.