Positive niche construction, independent renewal, and heterozygote advantage (Rt = λ1Rt−1 + λ2pt + λ3, γ = 0, α1 = α2 = 0.99, β1 = β2 = 0.9, r = 1/2, n = 1). Provided r is not very small, populations converge to a single equilibrium in linkage equilibrium, the position of which may be strongly affected by niche construction. The + represents the equilibrium in the absence of niche construction. By increasing R, niche construction changes the frequency-dependent component of genotype fitnesses, affecting the equilibrium frequency of allele A. In both a and b, without niche construction, allele a would be fixed, whereas in a, niche construction allows A and a to coexist, and in b, niche construction drives A to fixation.